Well i am useless at having a blog goodness knows i never stick to one but i need to just post some photos of our little kitties that need a new home.
Unfortunately josh has become quite sneezing and wheezy around our 2 cats so outside they have moved - and you guessed it they got pregnant.
Lyra the white one has had four kittens and they are ready to leave home so if anybody our there can provide them with a stable home with a good education and a set of good values we would dearly love to rehome them as i certainly don't need nor want 100's of cats the neighbours are starting to look at me sideways. Personally i don't think i look like a mad cat woman yet but hey maybe they think i have potential, who knows LOL?
The ginger one we have named Sox is a boy
The Sandy coloured one also a boy we have cleverly named Sandy
The Black and something one is a girls and is named Snoopy
And lastly the Black and ginger one also a girl is named
And if you don't actually want a kitten right now don't panic as lou lou our Ginger cat has three kittens of her own that are not quite ready to leave mum yet they are all varying shared of ginger, so please save me and take these little fluff balls away.
Mette x
Oh wow you blogged!!!! Oh those kittens are sooooooooooooo cute!!!!! Soooo sweeet!! Unfortunately Gary has allergies to cats so no kittens here :(
Hope you find lots of happy homes for them
What happened to your previous post? It seems to have disappeared???
Jen H
Ooooh they are cute... can I have Sandy???
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