This is Cooper, well the back of his head. I'm glad i have this photo of his curls. I love his curls so much, i have wanted curls all my life and have tried to get them in so many different ways. I have permed, ragged, plaited and tonged my hair and never have i had more than a vague wave.
I have all my life dreamed of having a little girl with long blond curly hair that i could do in all sorts of styles. I didn't get the girl i yearned for as a child as God gave me something I didn't even know i wanted.
I have my three gorgeous boys to love and to cherish and my little last one got the curls. His hair i think will be naturally curly if i let it grow but we all know long curly hair on a boy just isn't as great as it could be on a girl.
Even so I LOVED his curls, yes i said loved !! Coops went to Nannies today while i went to uni and i came home to ...............
you can guess what i am going to say. Nanny cut his curls off !! - yup off! It was his first hair cut, i wasn't there and i don't have photos.
Yeah i was sad and still am a little, i probably will stew about it a little, but it is only hair and he is still gorgeous and safe and well.
So ill leave you with this photo of his gorgeous curls and i will get over it and move on LOL.
Mette x
Oh NANNY!!!!! How could you do that without taking photos or having Mummy to be there to take photos?????
Boys curls are adorable, Mette !! Hopefully it will grow back a little curly and sheesh if my Mum had done that to Mitchell I wouldnt have spoken to her for a year I reckon!! So I think you are being VERY gracious!! But yes he is safe and well and very gorgeous!!
Jen H
umm Jen I actually am not being gracious but I am being quite tame on the blog. The swearing is being done in my head and boy you should hear it in there!!
She totally couldn't see what the issue was but eventually after many comments from me and Jason she understood what the big deal was. Jason was at work when she told him and his comments on the phone prompted the girls in the office to ask what the phone call was about.
They were shocked !!! no one could believe she did it!! - I still cant to be honest.
I rang my step mum in tears as my step mum is a hairdresser and she has always had the honour of cutting my kids hair for the first time. It had gotten really long because we hadn't seen Kim and Dad for ages.
Needless to say being a hairdresser and doing many 1st haircuts, saving curls and posing for photos she was SHOCKED speechless actually and a little horrified.
At least I wasn't alone was beginning to think I was making a mountain out of a molehill.
Anyway all is forgiven but certainly not forgotten. She has been extremely emotional once she realised what she did, i seriously believe she just "didn't think".
Well i said to her you certainly will next time wont you - but hmmm there will never be a first hair cut again.
Mette x
Wow, I'm sorry but that is so out of order. I would be absolutely livid, spitting mad. Just read your comment & saw that you were...dear oh dear, I would take a while to recover from that. Unbelievable... Thanks goodness you have the photo & he is still small enough for you to start all over again.
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