Had Rach for Easter nope I didn't eat her had her stay over it was lovely to just chill out and chat. We both sat on the couch with our laptops on our laps and watched Australia. Great movie I was very impressed. Very glad to have seen it haven't heard good things about it so haven't been to fussed until now. My goodness Hugh Jackman is ummm delicious even when he is filthy and not shaven yum yum ........most enjoyable bit of the movie, well every bit with him in it. I'll be watching him oops I mean it again for sure, LOL.
Jason took the big boys to the caravan over Easter leaving Coops and I at home to play with my girlfriends - After I was a bit sooky that the kids were not going to be home I suddenly got excited that I had free time LOL woohoo.
Coops and i had a lovely day Rach stayed the night and we celebrated in style - actually we went to Caribbean market bought some computer games inks for my printer, books for Ry and Puzzles for Coops all good fun to be had.These are all of Coops enjoying his Easter egg - I gave it to him in one go, rather than have him whining for ages about wanting more it was gone in 10 minutes and that's all kid !!! (he only got the one big egg and some smaller ones as i don't really give the kids choc and certainly not him, although it has to be said he is more of a junk food addict than the other 2 )
Happy to be eating Choc - hmmmm enjoy it while it lasts kiddo - Mummy x
sounds like you had a nice fun relaxing Easter - very cute photos of Coops eating his egg!
Yes it was different but realxing as well.
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