Coops here a few months ago and below at three months

Well Coops is nearly 2 !!!
Cant believe that part of me thinks that i don't remember life without him and the other part thinks that he was born yesterday.
Coops will turn 2 on June the 3rd right between my 2 exams so ill try to get a card and other bits organised this weekend and put them on the blog as later just wont happen.
Coops is running around the house like mad
he climbs everything
loves to sit on the coffee table to watch TV - sneaks up when I'm out of the room
loves anything that flies - helicopters and birds
loves anything with wheels - cars bikes trains
loves animals - mostly horses and cows loves to look out for them in the car
Addicted to his dummy and blanket
Still wakes in the night - yep I'm tired its been nearly 2 yrs LOL
Is the loudest of all three kids
Is the most demanding of all three kids
Absolutely loves stickers !!!
Loves tiny toys - really tiny helicopters trains cars etc
Loves tiny toys - really tiny helicopters trains cars etc
Loves stickers plays with them most days - has to have them on his hands then we get them on ours
Cooper doesn't talk a great deal he has been a bit slow in the communication stakes but I'm not to worried about it as he is pretty bright.
Words he says
Maa - max (dog)
D - dummy or blanket or even drink this words is really interchangeable and can often be anything.
Ba - bath
Most of his words are pretty basic but now he has started saying some other words skip the easy ones we are going for
Helicopter - helkkkkkpllllllta
Biscuit - bithhhhhh quet
And sorry Rach i know you will be disappointed with me but he now says
Doodle - Doodooddlllooo
Mette xxx
1 comment:
WOW - nearly 2!! He is such a cutie !!! Great that you have been able to record all this on your blog!
Jen h
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